Source code for pilotscope.DBController.PostgreSQLController

import os
import re
import subprocess

from sqlalchemy import text
from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError

from pilotscope.Common.Index import Index
from pilotscope.Common.SSHConnector import SSHConnector
from pilotscope.DBController.BaseDBController import BaseDBController
from pilotscope.Exception.Exception import DBStatementTimeoutException, DatabaseCrashException, \
    PilotScopeInternalError, PilotScopeExecCommandException
from pilotscope.PilotConfig import PostgreSQLConfig

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs]class PostgreSQLController(BaseDBController): _instances = set() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): instance = super().__new__(cls) cls._instances.add(instance) return instance def __del__(self): self._disconnect() type(self)._instances.remove(self)
[docs] def __init__(self, config: PostgreSQLConfig, echo=True, enable_simulate_index=False): super().__init__(config, echo) self.config: PostgreSQLConfig = config self.enable_simulate_index = enable_simulate_index self._add_extension() if self.enable_simulate_index: self.simulate_index_visitor = SimulateIndexVisitor(self) for index in super().get_all_indexes(): sql = f"SELECT hypopg_hide_index('{index.index_name}'::REGCLASS)" self.execute(sql)
def _add_extension(self): extensions = self.get_available_extensions() if "pg_buffercache" not in extensions: self.execute("create extension pg_buffercache") if "pg_hint_plan" not in extensions: self.execute("create extension pg_hint_plan") if self.enable_simulate_index and "hypopg" not in extensions: self.execute("create extension hypopg")
[docs] def get_available_extensions(self): """ Get all extensions that have installed in the connected database :return: the list of extension names """ sql = ("SELECT name, default_version, installed_version FROM" " pg_available_extensions WHERE installed_version is not NULL ORDER BY name;") res = self.execute(sql, fetch=True) extensions = [] for row in res: extensions.append(row[0]) return extensions
def _create_conn_str(self): return "{}://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}?{}".format("postgresql", self.config.db_user, self.config.db_user_pwd, self.config.db_host, self.config.db_port, self.config.db, "connect_timeout=2")
[docs] def execute(self, sql, fetch=False, fetch_column_name=False): """ Execute a SQL query. :param sql: the SQL query to execute :param fetch: it indicates whether to fetch the result of the query :param fetch_column_name: it indicates whether to fetch the column names of the result. :return: the result of the query if fetch is True, otherwise None """ row = None try: self._connect_if_loss() conn = self._get_connection() result = conn.execute(text(sql) if isinstance(sql, str) else sql) if fetch: row = result.all() if fetch_column_name: row = [tuple(result.keys()), *row] except OperationalError as e: if "canceling statement due to statement timeout" in str(e): raise DBStatementTimeoutException(str(e)) else: raise e except Exception as e: if "Can not find the corresponding sub-plan query in push anchor" in str(e): raise PilotScopeInternalError(str(e)) if "PilotScopePullEnd" not in str(e): raise e return row
[docs] def set_hint(self, key, value): """ Set the value of each hint (i.e., the run-time config) when execute SQL queries. The hints can be used to control the behavior of the database system in a session. For PostgreSQL, you can find all valid hints in :param key: the name of the hint :param value: the value of the hint """ sql = "SET {} TO {}".format(key, value) self.execute(sql)
[docs] def create_index(self, index: Index): """ Create an index on columns `index.columns` of table `index.table` with name `index.index_name`. :param index: a Index object including the information of the index """ if self.enable_simulate_index: self.simulate_index_visitor.create_index(index) else: column_names = index.joined_column_names() sql = f"create index {index.index_name} on {index.table} ({column_names});" self.execute(sql, fetch=False)
[docs] def drop_index(self, index: Index): """ Drop an index by its index name. :param index: an index that will be dropped """ if self.enable_simulate_index: self.simulate_index_visitor.drop_index(index) else: statement = ( f"DROP INDEX IF EXISTS {index.index_name};" ) self.execute(statement, fetch=False)
[docs] def drop_all_indexes(self): """ Drop all indexes across all tables in the database. This will not delete the system indexes and unique indexes. """ if self.enable_simulate_index: self.simulate_index_visitor.drop_all_indexes() else: indexes = self.get_all_indexes() for index in indexes: self.drop_index(index)
[docs] def get_all_indexes_byte(self): """ Get the size of all indexes across all tables in the database in bytes. This will include the system indexes and unique indexes. :return: the size of all indexes in bytes """ if self.enable_simulate_index: result = self.simulate_index_visitor.get_all_indexes_byte() else: sql = ("select sum(pg_indexes_size(table_name::text)) from " "(select table_name from information_schema.tables " "where table_schema='public') as all_tables;") result = float(self.execute(sql, fetch=True)[0][0]) return result
[docs] def get_table_indexes_byte(self, table_name): """ Get the size of all indexes on a table in bytes. This will include the system indexes and unique indexes. :param table_name: a table name that the indexes belong to :return: the size of all indexes on the table in bytes """ if self.enable_simulate_index: result = self.simulate_index_visitor.get_table_indexes_byte(table_name) else: sql = f"select pg_indexes_size('{table_name}');" result = float(self.execute(sql, fetch=True)[0][0]) return result
[docs] def get_index_byte(self, index: Index): """ Get the size of an index in bytes by its index name. :param index: the index to get size :return: the size of the index in bytes """ if self.enable_simulate_index: return self.simulate_index_visitor.get_index_byte(index) sql = f"select pg_table_size('{index.get_index_name()}');" result = int(self.execute(sql, fetch=True)[0][0]) return result
[docs] def get_existed_indexes(self, table): if self.enable_simulate_index: return self.simulate_index_visitor.get_existed_index(table) else: return super().get_existed_indexes(table)
[docs] def get_all_indexes(self): """ Get all indexes across all tables in the database. :return: A collection containing the details of all indexes. """ if self.enable_simulate_index: return self.simulate_index_visitor.get_all_indexes() else: return super().get_all_indexes()
[docs] def get_index_number(self, table): """ Get the number of indexes built on the specified table. :param table: The name of the table for which to count indexes. :return: The number of indexes on the specified table. """ if self.enable_simulate_index: return self.simulate_index_visitor.get_index_number(table) else: return super().get_index_number(table)
[docs] def explain_physical_plan(self, sql, comment=""): """ Get the physical plan from database's optimizer of a SQL query. :param sql: The SQL query to be explained. :param comment: A SQL comment will be added to the beginning of the SQL query. :return: The physical plan of the SQL query. """ return self._explain(sql, comment, False)
[docs] def explain_execution_plan(self, sql, comment=""): """ Get the execution plan from database's optimizer of a SQL query. :param sql: The SQL query to be explained. :param comment: A SQL comment will be added to the beginning of the SQL query. :return: The execution plan of the SQL query. """ return self._explain(sql, comment, True)
def _explain(self, sql, comment, execute: bool): return self.execute(text(self.get_explain_sql(sql, execute, comment)), True)[0][0][0]
[docs] def get_estimated_cost(self, sql, comment=""): """ Get an estimated cost of a SQL query. :param sql: The SQL query for which to estimate the cost. :param comment: A SQL comment will be added to the beginning of the SQL query. :return: The estimated total cost of executing the SQL query. """ plan = self.explain_physical_plan(sql, comment=comment) return plan["Plan"]["Total Cost"]
[docs] def get_explain_sql(self, sql, execute: bool, comment=""): """ Constructs an EXPLAIN SQL statement for a given SQL query. :param sql: The SQL query to explain. :param execute: A boolean flag indicating whether to execute the query plan. :param comment: A SQL comment will be added to the beginning of the SQL query. :return: The result of executing the `EXPLAIN` SQL statement. """ return "{} explain ({} VERBOSE, SETTINGS, SUMMARY, FORMAT JSON) {}".format(comment, "ANALYZE," if execute else "", sql)
[docs] def get_buffercache(self): """ Get the numbers of buffer per table in the shared buffer cache in real time. :return: a dict, where keys are the names of table and values are the numbers of buffer per table """ sql = """ SELECT c.relname, count(*) AS buffers FROM pg_buffercache b JOIN pg_class c ON b.relfilenode = pg_relation_filenode(c.oid) AND b.reldatabase IN (0, (SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database())) JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace GROUP BY c.relname; """ res = self.execute(sql, fetch=True) return {k: v for k, v in res if not k.startswith("pg_")}
[docs] def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown the database """ self._check_enable_deep_control() for instance in type(self)._instances: # if hasattr(instance, "engine"): instance._disconnect() # to set DBController's self.connection_thread.conn is None instance.engine.dispose(close=True) # del instance.engine self._surun( "{} stop -P {} -D {} 2>&1 > /dev/null".format(self.config.pg_ctl, self.config.db_port, self.config.pgdata))
[docs] def start(self): """ Try to start DBMS. If fails the first time, recover config to self.config.backup_db_config_path and raise DatabaseStartException. If fails again after recovering config, raise DatabaseCrashException. :raises DatabaseStartException """ self._check_enable_deep_control() self._surun( "{} start -P {} -D {} 2>&1 > /dev/null".format(self.config.pg_ctl, self.config.db_port, self.config.pgdata)) if not self.is_running(): raise DatabaseCrashException for instance in type(self)._instances: instance._connect_if_loss()
[docs] def is_running(self): """ Check whether the database is running. :return: True if the database is running, False otherwise. """ self._check_enable_deep_control() check_db_running_cmd = "{} status -P {} -D {}".format(self.config.pg_ctl, self.config.db_port, self.config.pgdata) if self.config._is_local: res_out, res_err = self._surun(check_db_running_cmd) status = "{},{}".format(res_out, res_err) else: ssh_conn = SSHConnector(self.config.db_host, self.config.db_host_user, self.config.db_host_pwd, self.config.db_host_port) ssh_conn.connect() res_out, res_err = ssh_conn.remote_exec_cmd(check_db_running_cmd) ssh_conn.close() status = "{},{}".format(res_out, res_err) return "server is running" in status
[docs] def write_knob_to_file(self, key_2_value_knob: dict): """ Write knobs to config file, you should restart database to make it work. :param key_2_value_knob: a dict with keys as the names of the knobs and values as the values to be set. """ self._check_enable_deep_control() with open(self.config.db_config_path, "a") as f: f.write("\n") for k, v in key_2_value_knob.items(): f.write("{} = {}\n".format(k, v))
[docs] def recover_config(self): """ Recover config file of database to the lasted saved config file by `backup_config()` """ self._check_enable_deep_control() with open(self.config.backup_db_config_path, "r") as f: db_config_file = with open(self.config.db_config_path, "w") as f: f.write(db_config_file)
[docs] def backup_config(self): """ Creates a backup of the database configuration file. """ self._check_enable_deep_control() with open(self.config.db_config_path, "r") as f: with open(self.config.backup_db_config_path, "w") as w: w.write(
[docs] def get_table_columns(self, table_name, enable_all_schema=False): """ Retrieves all column names for a given table. If enable_all_schema is true, Pilotscope will search it across all schemas in the database. Otherwise, Pilotscope will only search it in the public schema. :param table_name: The name of the table for which to retrieve column names. :param enable_all_schema: :return: A list of column names for the specified table. """ if enable_all_schema: sql = "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{}';".format(table_name) else: sql = "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{}' and table_schema='public';".format( table_name) return [x[0] for x in self.execute(sql, fetch=True)]
[docs] def get_number_of_distinct_value(self, table_name, column_name): """ Get the number of distinct value of a column :param table_name: the name of the table that the column belongs to :param column_name: the name of the column :return: the number of distinct value, type of which is same as the data of the column """ return self.execute(f"select count(distinct {column_name}) from {table_name};", True)[0][0]
# switch user and run def _surun(self, cmd): if self.config._is_local: result =, shell=True, text=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) std_out = result.stdout std_err = result.stderr else: ssh_conn = SSHConnector(self.config.db_host, self.config.db_host_user, self.config.db_host_pwd, self.config.db_host_port) ssh_conn.connect() out, err = ssh_conn.remote_exec_cmd(cmd) std_out = "" if len(out) == 0 else str(out) std_err = "" if len(err) == 0 else str(err) ssh_conn.close() if std_err is not None and std_err != "": print(std_err) raise PilotScopeExecCommandException(cmd) return std_out, std_err
[docs]class SimulateIndexVisitor:
[docs] def __init__(self, db_controller: PostgreSQLController): super().__init__() self.db_controller = db_controller
[docs] def create_index(self, index: Index): columns = index.joined_column_names() statement = ( "select * from hypopg_create_index( " f"'create index on {index.table} " f"({columns})')" ) result = self.db_controller.execute(statement, fetch=True)[0] index.hypopg_oid = result[0] index.hypopg_name = result[1]
def _get_oid_by_indexname(self, index_name): sql = f"SELECT indexrelid FROM hypopg_list_indexes WHERE index_name like '%{index_name}%'" res = self.db_controller.execute(sql, fetch=True) assert len(res) == 1, f"No oid or more than one oid named like '%{index_name}%'" return res[0][0] def _get_oid_of_index(self, index: Index): if index.hypopg_oid is not None: return index.hypopg_oid elif index.hypopg_name is not None: return self._get_oid_by_indexname(index_name=index.hypopg_name) else: return self._get_oid_by_indexname(index_name=index.index_name)
[docs] def drop_index(self, index: Index): oid = self._get_oid_of_index(index) statement = f"select * from hypopg_drop_index({oid})" result = self.db_controller.execute(statement, fetch=True) assert result[0][0] is True, f"Could not drop simulated index with oid = {oid}."
[docs] def drop_all_indexes(self): sql = "select hypopg_reset()" self.db_controller.execute(sql)
[docs] def get_all_indexes_byte(self): return self.get_table_indexes_byte("1' or '1'='1")
[docs] def get_table_indexes_byte(self, table): sql = f"SELECT sum(hypopg_relation_size(h.indexrelid)) from hypopg() h left join pg_class t on h.indrelid=t.oid where t.relname = '{table}'" res = self.db_controller.execute(sql, fetch=True)[0][0] return 0 if res is None else float(res)
[docs] def get_index_byte(self, index: Index): try: oid = self._get_oid_of_index(index) statement = f"select hypopg_relation_size({oid})" result = self.db_controller.execute(statement, fetch=True)[0][0] assert result > 0, "Hypothetical index does not exist." return float(result) except: raise RuntimeError
[docs] def get_index_number(self, table): sql = f"SELECT COUNT(*) from hypopg() h left join pg_class t on h.indrelid=t.oid where t.relname = '{table}'" return int(self.db_controller.execute(sql, fetch=True)[0][0])
[docs] def get_all_indexes(self): return self.get_existed_index("1' or '1'='1")
[docs] def get_existed_index(self, table): sql = f"SELECT h.indexrelid, h.indexname, hypopg_get_indexdef(h.indexrelid), t.relname from hypopg() h left join pg_class t on h.indrelid=t.oid where t.relname = '{table}'" res = self.db_controller.execute(sql, fetch=True) indexes = [] for indexrelid, indexname, indexdef, relname in res: col = [col.strip() for col in"\([\S\s]*\)", indexdef).group(0)[1:-1].split(",")] index = Index(columns=col, table=relname, index_name=None) index.hypopg_name = indexname index.hypopg_oid = indexrelid indexes.append(index) return indexes