Source code for pilotscope.DBInteractor.PilotDataInteractor

import time
from concurrent.futures import Future
from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import Optional, List, cast

import pandas

from pilotscope.Anchor.BaseAnchor.BasePullHandler import *
from pilotscope.Anchor.BaseAnchor.BasePushHandler import *
from pilotscope.Common.Util import extract_anchor_handlers, extract_handlers, wait_futures_results
from pilotscope.DBInteractor.InteractorReceiver import InteractorReceiver
from pilotscope.DBInteractor.PilotCommentCreator import PilotCommentCreator
from pilotscope.Exception.Exception import DBStatementTimeoutException, InteractorReceiveTimeoutException, \
from pilotscope.Factory.AnchorHandlerFactory import AnchorHandlerFactory
from pilotscope.Factory.DBControllerFectory import DBControllerFactory
from pilotscope.Factory.InteractorReceiverFactory import InteractorReceiverFactory
from pilotscope.PilotConfig import PilotConfig
from pilotscope.PilotEnum import FetchMethod, DatabaseEnum
from pilotscope.PilotTransData import PilotTransData

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
[docs]class PilotDataInteractor: """The core module for interacting with DBMS and handling push-and-pull operators """
[docs] def __init__(self, config: PilotConfig, enable_simulate_index=False) -> None: """ :param config: The configuration of PilotScope. :param enable_simulate_index: A flag indicating whether to enable the simulated index. This flag is only valid for PostgreSQL. """ # if all items of any one comb occur in registered anchors, they will raise an exception self.mutual_exclusion_combs = [ [AnchorEnum.CARD_PUSH_ANCHOR, AnchorEnum.SUBQUERY_CARD_PULL_ANCHOR] ] self.db_controller = DBControllerFactory.get_db_controller(config, enable_simulate_index=enable_simulate_index) self._anchor_to_handlers = {} self.config = config self.spark_analyzed = False self._data_fetcher: InteractorReceiver = InteractorReceiverFactory.get_data_fetcher(config)
[docs] def push_hint(self, key_2_value_for_hint: dict): """ Set the value of each hint (i.e., the run-time config) when execute SQL queries. The hints can be used to control the behavior of the database system in a session. For PostgreSQL, you can find all valid hints in For Spark, you can find all valid hints (called conf in Spark) in Note that you need to distinguish which parameter is static (push_knob) and which is run-time (push_hint). :param key_2_value_for_hint: A dictionary containing key-value pairs representing hint information, e.g. {"hint_key": "hint_value"}. """ anchor: HintPushHandler = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.HINT_PUSH_ANCHOR) anchor.key_2_value_for_hint = key_2_value_for_hint self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.HINT_PUSH_ANCHOR] = anchor
[docs] def push_knob(self, key_2_value_for_knob: dict): """ Set the value of each knob parameter (i.e., the static config) of database. These parameters are valid after the database is restarted. Thus, pilotscope will restart the database if this function is called. For PostgreSQL, you can find all valid knob in Pilotscope will modify the configuration file (i.e., postgresql.conf) of PostgreSQL to set the knob. For Spark, you can find all valid hints (called conf in Spark) in Note that you need to distinguish which parameter is static (push_knob) and which is run-time (push_hint). :param key_2_value_for_knob: A dictionary containing key-value pairs for knob settings, e.g. {"knob_key": "knob_value"} """ anchor: KnobPushHandler = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.KNOB_PUSH_ANCHOR) anchor.key_2_value_for_knob = key_2_value_for_knob self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.KNOB_PUSH_ANCHOR] = anchor
[docs] def push_card(self, subquery_2_value: dict, enable_parameterized_subquery=False): """ Set the cardinality of each sub-plan query when execute a SQL query. The cardinality of each sub-plan query will set to the default estimated value if you don't provide the value. :param subquery_2_value: A dictionary containing subquery to card value mappings, e.g. {"subquery_1": "card_1", "subquery_2": "card_2"} :param enable_parameterized_subquery: A flag indicating whether to enable parameterized subquery. """ anchor: CardPushHandler = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.CARD_PUSH_ANCHOR) anchor.subquery_2_card = subquery_2_value if self.config.db_type == DatabaseEnum.POSTGRESQL: anchor.enable_parameterized_subquery = enable_parameterized_subquery self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.CARD_PUSH_ANCHOR] = anchor
[docs] def push_pg_hint_comment(self, pg_hint_comment: str): """ Set the comment of `pg_hint_plan` into input SQL query. The function is only valid for PostgreSQL. The `pg_hint_plan` is an extension for the PostgreSQL database that allows users to influence the query planner's choice of execution plans. You can find more information in :param pg_hint_comment: a pg_hint_comment like ``/*+ HashJoin(a b) SeqScan(a) */``, which indicate the join method of `a` and `b` is HashJoin and the scan method of `a` is SeqScan. """ if self.config.db_type != DatabaseEnum.POSTGRESQL: raise NotImplementedError("PG Hint only is implemented for PostgresSQL database") anchor: CommentPushHandler = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.COMMENT_PUSH_ANCHOR) anchor.comment_str = pg_hint_comment self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.COMMENT_PUSH_ANCHOR] = anchor
def _push_subplan_cost(self, subplan_2_cost: dict): """ Assigns cost information to subplans and registers the cost push handler. :param subplan_2_cost: A dictionary mapping subplans to their associated costs, e.g. {"subplan_1": 100, "subplan_2": 200} :raises NotImplementedError: Indicates that the method has not been implemented yet. """ raise NotImplementedError def _push_rule(self): """ Placeholder method for pushing rule information. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def push_index(self, indexes: List[Index], drop_other=True): """ Set the index information of each table when execute SQL queries. The index will be built before executing all SQL queries in a session of PilotDataInteractor. :param indexes: A list of `Index` instances to be handled. :param drop_other: A flag indicating whether to drop other indexes not in the `indexes` list. """ anchor: IndexPushHandler = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.INDEX_PUSH_ANCHOR) anchor.indexes = indexes anchor.drop_other = drop_other self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.INDEX_PUSH_ANCHOR] = anchor pass
[docs] def pull_subquery_card(self, enable_parameterized_subquery=False): """ Require PilotScope to collect all cardinality information of each sub-plan queries when execute a SQL query. :param enable_parameterized_subquery: A flag indicating whether to enable parameterized subquery. """ anchor: SubQueryCardPullHandler = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.SUBQUERY_CARD_PULL_ANCHOR) self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.SUBQUERY_CARD_PULL_ANCHOR] = anchor if self.config.db_type == DatabaseEnum.POSTGRESQL: anchor.enable_parameterized_subquery = enable_parameterized_subquery if self.config.db_type == DatabaseEnum.SPARK and not self.spark_analyzed: self.db_controller.analyze_all_table_stats() self.spark_analyzed = True
def _pull_rewrite_sql(self): """ Placeholder method for pulling SQL rewrite information. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def pull_physical_plan(self): """ Require PilotScope to collect physical plan when execute a SQL query. """ anchor = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.PHYSICAL_PLAN_PULL_ANCHOR) self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.PHYSICAL_PLAN_PULL_ANCHOR] = anchor
[docs] def pull_execution_time(self): """ Require PilotScope to collect execution time when execute a SQL query. """ anchor = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.EXECUTION_TIME_PULL_ANCHOR) self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.EXECUTION_TIME_PULL_ANCHOR] = anchor
[docs] def pull_estimated_cost(self): """ Require PilotScope to collect estimated cost from database's optimizer when execute a SQL query. """ anchor = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.ESTIMATED_COST_PULL_ANCHOR) self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.ESTIMATED_COST_PULL_ANCHOR] = anchor
[docs] def pull_record(self): """ Require PilotScope to collect execution records when execute a SQL query. PilotScope will not to execute a complete process of recode retrieval, unless you require it to collect records. """ anchor: RecordPullHandler = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.RECORD_PULL_ANCHOR) self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.RECORD_PULL_ANCHOR] = anchor
[docs] def pull_buffercache(self): """ Retrieves the buffer cache, where each item include a table name and the numbers of its buffer. """ anchor: BuffercachePullHandler = AnchorHandlerFactory.get_anchor_handler(self.config, AnchorEnum.BUFFERCACHE_PULL_ANCHOR) self._anchor_to_handlers[AnchorEnum.BUFFERCACHE_PULL_ANCHOR] = anchor
def _pull_real_node_cost(self): """ Placeholder method for pulling real node cost information. """ pass def _pull_real_node_card(self): """ Placeholder method for pulling real node cardinality information. """ pass
[docs] def execute_batch(self, sqls, is_reset=True) -> List[Optional[PilotTransData]]: """ Execute all sqls sequentially in a session. All SQL queries is executed using the identical push/pull configuration. :param sqls: a list of sqls to be executed :param is_reset: If it is true, all `push`/`pull` will be removed after execution :return: list of the results for each sql """ datas = [] flag = False for i, sql in enumerate(sqls): if i == len(sqls) - 1: flag = is_reset datas.append(self.execute(sql, is_reset=flag)) return datas
[docs] def execute_parallel(self, sqls, parallel_num=10, is_reset=True): """ Execute all SQL statements in parallel within a session. All SQL queries is executed using the identical push/pull configuration. :param sqls: a list of sqls to be executed :param parallel_num: the number of threads, defaults to 10 :param is_reset: If it is true, all `push`/`pull` will be removed after execution :raises RuntimeError: simulate index does not support execute_parallel :return: list of the results for each sql """ if self.db_controller.enable_simulate_index: raise RuntimeError("simulate index does not support execute_parallel") parallel_num = min(len(sqls), parallel_num) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=parallel_num) as pool: futures = [] for sql in sqls: future: Future = pool.submit(self.execute, sql, False) future.add_done_callback(self._reset_connection) futures.append(future) results = wait_futures_results(futures) if is_reset: self.reset() return results
[docs] def execute(self, sql, is_reset=True) -> Optional[PilotTransData]: """ Execute this SQL and finish all registered push-and-pull operators before. :param sql: a sql statement to be executed :param is_reset: If it is true, all `push`/`pull` will be removed after execution :return: If no exceptions, it returns a `PilotTransData` representing extended result; otherwise, it returns None. """ try: self._check_anchor_mutual_exclusion() origin_sql = sql enable_receive_pilot_data = self._is_need_to_receive_data(self._anchor_to_handlers) # create pilot comment comment_creator = PilotCommentCreator(enable_receive_pilot_data=enable_receive_pilot_data, extra_comment=self._anchor_to_handlers[ AnchorEnum.COMMENT_PUSH_ANCHOR].comment_str if AnchorEnum.COMMENT_PUSH_ANCHOR in self._anchor_to_handlers else None) comment_creator.add_params(self._data_fetcher.get_extra_infos_for_trans()) comment_creator.enable_terminate( False if AnchorEnum.RECORD_PULL_ANCHOR in self._anchor_to_handlers else True) comment_creator.add_anchor_params(self._get_anchor_params_as_comment()) comment_sql = comment_creator.create_comment_sql(sql) # execution sqls. Sometimes, data do not need to be got from inner is_execute_comment_sql = self._is_execute_comment_sql(self._anchor_to_handlers) records, execution_time_from_outer = self._execute_sqls(comment_sql, is_execute_comment_sql) # wait to fetch data if self._is_need_to_receive_data(self._anchor_to_handlers): receive_data = self._data_fetcher.block_for_data_from_db() data: PilotTransData = PilotTransData._parse_2_instance(receive_data, origin_sql) # fetch data from outer else: data = PilotTransData() if records is not None: if self.config.db_type == DatabaseEnum.POSTGRESQL: data.records = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(records[1:], columns=records[0]) else: data.records = records data.sql = origin_sql self._fetch_data_from_outer(origin_sql, data) if self.config.db_type == DatabaseEnum.SPARK: self._add_execution_time(data, execution_time_from_outer) return data except (DBStatementTimeoutException, InteractorReceiveTimeoutException) as e: print(e) return None except Exception as e: raise e finally: if is_reset: self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the internal state of the object. This method clears all registered push and pull operators, and database connection. """ self._anchor_to_handlers.clear() self._reset_connection()
def _get_all_handlers(self): """ Retrieves all handler objects. :return: A list of handler objects. :rtype: list """ return self._anchor_to_handlers.values() def _add_execution_time(self, data: PilotTransData, execution_time): if AnchorEnum.EXECUTION_TIME_PULL_ANCHOR in self._anchor_to_handlers: data.execution_time = execution_time def _is_need_to_receive_data(self, anchor_2_handlers): """ Determines if data needs to be received based on the presence of anchors. :param anchor_2_handlers: A dictionary mapping anchors to their handlers, e.g. {RECORD_PULL_ANCHOR: handler} :type anchor_2_handlers: dict :return: True if there are remaining anchors that require data to be received, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ filter_anchor_2_handlers = self._remove_outer_fetch_anchor( extract_anchor_handlers(anchor_2_handlers, is_fetch_anchor=True)) if AnchorEnum.RECORD_PULL_ANCHOR in filter_anchor_2_handlers: filter_anchor_2_handlers.pop(AnchorEnum.RECORD_PULL_ANCHOR) if self.config.db_type == DatabaseEnum.SPARK and AnchorEnum.EXECUTION_TIME_PULL_ANCHOR in filter_anchor_2_handlers: filter_anchor_2_handlers.pop(AnchorEnum.EXECUTION_TIME_PULL_ANCHOR) return len(filter_anchor_2_handlers) > 0 def _is_execute_comment_sql(self, anchor_2_handlers): """ Checks if there is a need to execute comment SQL based on filtered anchors. :param anchor_2_handlers: A dictionary containing the mapping of anchors to their handlers, e.g. {RECORD_PULL_ANCHOR: handler} :type anchor_2_handlers: dict :return: Returns True if there are any anchors left after filtering, indicating a need to execute comment SQL, otherwise False. :rtype: bool """ filter_anchor_2_handlers = self._remove_outer_fetch_anchor( extract_anchor_handlers(anchor_2_handlers, is_fetch_anchor=True)) return len(filter_anchor_2_handlers) > 0 def _reset_connection(self, *args, **kwargs): # todo if self.config.db_type != DatabaseEnum.SPARK: self.db_controller._reset() def _execute_sqls(self, comment_sql, is_execute_comment_sql): handlers = extract_handlers(self._anchor_to_handlers.values(), extract_pull_anchor=False) handlers = sorted(handlers, key=lambda x: cast(BaseAnchorHandler, x).get_call_priority()) for handler in handlers: handler._exec_commands_before_sql(self.db_controller) records = execution_time_from_outer = None if is_execute_comment_sql: start_time = time.time() records = self.db_controller.execute(comment_sql, fetch=True, fetch_column_name=True) execution_time_from_outer = time.time() - start_time return records, execution_time_from_outer def _get_anchor_params_as_comment(self): anchor_params = {} for anchor, handle in self._anchor_to_handlers.items(): params = {} if isinstance(handle, BasePushHandler): handle._add_trans_params(params) elif isinstance(handle, BasePullHandler) and handle.fetch_method == FetchMethod.INNER: handle._add_trans_params(params) if len(params) > 0: anchor_params[] = params return anchor_params def _remove_outer_fetch_anchor(self, anchor_to_handlers): result = {} for anchor, handle in anchor_to_handlers.items(): if isinstance(handle, BasePullHandler) and handle.fetch_method == FetchMethod.OUTER: continue result[anchor] = handle return result def _fetch_data_from_outer(self, sql, data: PilotTransData): replace_anchor_params = self._get_replace_anchor_params(self._anchor_to_handlers.values()) anchor_data = AnchorTransData() handles = self._anchor_to_handlers.values() handles = sorted(handles, key=lambda x: cast(BaseAnchorHandler, x).get_call_priority()) for handle in handles: if isinstance(handle, BasePullHandler) and handle.fetch_method == FetchMethod.OUTER: comment_creator = PilotCommentCreator(anchor_params=replace_anchor_params, enable_terminate_flag=False, extra_comment=self._anchor_to_handlers[ AnchorEnum.COMMENT_PUSH_ANCHOR].comment_str if AnchorEnum.COMMENT_PUSH_ANCHOR in self._anchor_to_handlers else None) comment = comment_creator.create_comment() handle.fetch_from_outer(self.db_controller, sql, comment, anchor_data, data) def _get_replace_anchor_params(self, handles): anchor_params = {} for handle in handles: params = {} if isinstance(handle, BasePushHandler): handle._add_trans_params(params) if len(params) > 0: anchor_params[handle.anchor_name] = params return anchor_params def _add_anchors(self, handlers): """ Adds multiple anchor-handler associations. Iterates over a list of handler objects and registers each of them to its corresponding anchor name within the anchor_to_handlers dictionary. :param handlers: A list of handler objects, each with an `anchor_name` attribute. :type handlers: list """ for handler in handlers: self._add_anchor(handler.anchor_name, handler) def _add_anchor(self, anchor, handler): """ Registers a handler to a specific anchor. If the provided anchor is a string, it converts the string to the corresponding `AnchorEnum` member before registering. The method then associates the handler with the anchor in the anchor_to_handlers dictionary. :param anchor: The anchor identifier, which can be a string or an AnchorEnum member. :type anchor: str or AnchorEnum :param handler: The handler object to be associated with the anchor. :type handler: RecordPullHandler """ if isinstance(anchor, str): anchor = AnchorEnum.to_anchor_enum(anchor) self._anchor_to_handlers[anchor] = handler def _check_anchor_mutual_exclusion(self): """ Checks if there are any mutual exclusion anchors in the current session. """ for exclusion_anchors in self.mutual_exclusion_combs: anchors = [] for exclusion_anchor in exclusion_anchors: if exclusion_anchor in self._anchor_to_handlers: anchors.append(exclusion_anchor) if len(anchors) == len(exclusion_anchors): raise PilotScopeMutualExclusionException(exclusion_anchors)