Source code for pilotscope.DataManager.DataManager

import json
from copy import deepcopy

from pandas import DataFrame

from pilotscope.DBController.BaseDBController import BaseDBController
from pilotscope.DataManager.TableVisitedTracker import TableVisitedTracker
from pilotscope.Factory.DBControllerFectory import DBControllerFactory
from pilotscope.PilotConfig import PilotConfig
from pilotscope.PilotEnum import DatabaseEnum
from pilotscope.PilotSysConfig import PilotSysConfig
from pilotscope.Common.Util import is_number

[docs]class DataManager: """ This class provides methods to interact with a database to store and retrieve data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, config: PilotConfig) -> None: """ Initialize the DataManager. :param config: The configuration of PilotScope. """ self.config = deepcopy(config) self.config.db = self.config.user_data_db_name self.db_controller: BaseDBController = DBControllerFactory.get_db_controller(self.config) # pilotscope add a primary key for all user tables. self.table_primary_key = PilotSysConfig.DATA_COLLECT_TABLE_PRIMARY_ID self.table_visited_tracker = TableVisitedTracker(self.db_controller)
[docs] def read_all(self, table_name): """ Read all rows from a given table. :param table_name: The name of the table to read from. :return: All rows in the specified table as a pandas DataFrame. """ query = "select * from {}".format(table_name) data = DataFrame(self.db_controller.execute(query, fetch=True)) self._update_visited_record(table_name, data) return data
[docs] def read_update(self, table_name): """ Read the new rows from a given table since the last visit. This function will also update the last visit record in the database. :param table_name: The name of the table to read . :return: The new rows in the specified table since the last visit as a `pandas DataFrame`. """ if self.config.db_type == DatabaseEnum.SPARK: raise RuntimeError("spark not support read_update") last_id = self.table_visited_tracker.read_data_visit_id(table_name) last_id = -1 if last_id is None else last_id query = "select * from {} where {} > {}".format(table_name, self.table_primary_key, last_id) data = DataFrame(self.db_controller.execute(query, fetch=True)) self._update_visited_record(table_name, data) return data
[docs] def save_data(self, table_name, column_2_value): """ Save data to the specified table in the database. :param table_name: The name of the table to insert the data into. :param column_2_value: A dictionary of column names and their corresponding values, e.g., {'id': 1, 'name': 'John Doe'} """ if len(column_2_value) > 0: column_2_value = self._convert_data_type(column_2_value) self._create_table_if_absence(table_name, column_2_value) self.db_controller.insert(table_name, column_2_value)
[docs] def save_data_batch(self, table_name, column_2_value_list): """ Save data batch. :param table_name: The name of the table to be saved. :param column_2_value_list: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one row of data, e.g., [{'id': 1, 'name': 'John Doe'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Jane Doe'}] """ for i, column_2_value in enumerate(column_2_value_list): self.save_data(table_name, column_2_value)
[docs] def remove_table_and_tracker(self, table_name): """ Drop the table and its corresponding tracker which is used to track the last visit id. :param table_name: The name of the table to be dropped. """ if self.db_controller.exist_table(table_name): self.db_controller.drop_table_if_exist(table_name) self.table_visited_tracker.delete_visited_record(table_name)
def _create_table_if_absence(self, table_name, column_2_value): """ Create a table if it does not exist. :param table_name: The name of the table to create. :type table_name: str :param column_2_value: A dictionary representing the columns and their default values for the new table, e.g. {'id': 0, 'name': ''} :type column_2_value: Dict[str, Any] """ if self.config.db_type != DatabaseEnum.SPARK: new_column_2_value = dict(column_2_value) new_column_2_value[self.table_primary_key] = 0 else: new_column_2_value = column_2_value self.db_controller.create_table_if_absences(table_name, new_column_2_value, primary_key_column=self.table_primary_key, enable_autoincrement_id_key=True) def _convert_data_type(self, column_2_value: dict): res = {} for key, value in column_2_value.items(): if is_number(value) or isinstance(value, str): pass elif isinstance(value, dict): value = json.dumps(value) else: raise RuntimeError( "the data written into table should be number, dict and str, the {} is not allowed".format( type(value))) res[key] = value return res def _update_visited_record(self, table_name, records): # update id if self.config.db_type != DatabaseEnum.SPARK: cur_id = self._extract_max_id(records) if cur_id is not None: self.table_visited_tracker.update_data_visit_id(table_name, cur_id) def _extract_max_id(self, data: DataFrame): if len(data) == 0: return None return int([data.index[-1], self.table_primary_key])