Source code for pilotscope.PilotTransData

import json

from pilotscope.Common.Util import is_number

[docs]class PilotTransData:
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """ :param sql: The SQL statement that generated this data. :param records: The records returned by the SQL statement. :param physical_plan: The physical plan of the SQL statement. :param execution_time: The execution time of the SQL statement. :param estimated_cost: The estimated cost of the query plan. :param buffercache: The buffercache of each table after executing the SQL statement. :param subquery_2_card: A sub-plan-query-to-cardinality dict that is generated by the optimizer where building query plan. """ self.sql: str = None self.records = None self.physical_plan = None self.execution_time = None self.estimated_cost = None self.buffercache = None self.subquery_2_card: dict = {}
def __str__(self) -> str: return "\n".join([str(k) + ": " + str(v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()]) @classmethod def _parse_2_instance(cls, target_json: str, sql): if target_json is str: target_json = json.loads(target_json) data = PilotTransData() data.sql = sql for key, value in target_json.items(): if key in data.__dict__: if is_number(value): value = float(value) setattr(data, key, value) cls._fill_subquery_2_card(data, target_json) return data @classmethod def _fill_subquery_2_card(cls, data, target_json): if "card" not in target_json or "subquery" not in target_json: return cards = target_json["card"] subquery = target_json["subquery"] assert len(cards) == len(subquery) for i in range(0, len(cards)): data.subquery_2_card[subquery[i]] = float(cards[i])