6.5. pilotscope.PilotScheduler

class PilotScheduler(config: pilotscope.PilotConfig.PilotConfig)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(config: pilotscope.PilotConfig.PilotConfig)None[source]

config – The configuration of PilotScope.


Initialize the scheduler for enabling the AI4DB algorithms, triggering the registered events and others. This function should be called before executing any sql and after registering all the required data and events.


The function will finish the following tasks:

  1. execute a sql using the registered AI4DB algorithms.

  2. save the collected data into the specific table

  3. try to trigger the registered events


sql – a sql to be executed


the related records of the sql

register_custom_handlers(handlers: List[pilotscope.Anchor.BaseAnchor.BaseAnchorHandler.BaseAnchorHandler])[source]

Register custom AI4DB handlers


handlers – a list of custom handlers

register_required_data(table_name_for_store_data, pull_execution_time=False, pull_physical_plan=False, pull_subquery_2_cards=False, pull_buffer_cache=False, pull_estimated_cost=False)[source]

Register data need to collect when executing a sql

  • table_name_for_store_data – the table name for storing the collected data

  • pull_execution_time – whether to get the execution time of a sql

  • pull_physical_plan – whether to get the physical plan of a sql

  • pull_subquery_2_cards – whether to get the sub-plan queries and their cardinality of a sql

  • pull_buffer_cache – whether to get the buffer cache of table after executing a sql

  • pull_estimated_cost – whether to get the estimated cost of a sql


register_events(events: List[pilotscope.PilotEvent.Event])[source]

Register events into scheduler.


events – the events to be registered